This course will give you the confidence to rise above your financial crisis and help you to:
Believe that you CAN and affirmed the end in your mind, your vision and dreams and financial goals.
Let go of limiting beliefs.
Replace negative financial beliefs with positive financial beliefs that support your life and financial goals.
Discover your passion and natural talents.
Find meaning and purpose of your life.
Boost your self-confidence and self-esteem to take on the world without self-doubt and fear.
Understand how COVID19 pandemic and the 4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) have disrupted the economic stance globally.
Find out industries that are affected negatively and positively by COVID19.
Disrupt yourself and your business to align with the effects of these global forces. Learn how to monetize your skills online. Learn about the top lucrative 5 online business ideas, you can start now to earn your income. You can set-up some in days.